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Brandon Jackson was Marlon's twin brother who died shortly after his birth

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Yes his name was Brandon

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he had a stillbirth

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Jackie Jackson.

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Q: Who was Michael Jacksons brother who died?
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Who is Michael Jacksons dead brother?

brandon...he was marlons twin who was stillborn

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The American idol Randy Jackson is not Michael Jacksons brother, even though Michael has a brother with the same name, Randy.

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Janet has more than one brother, their names are Michael, Marlon, Randy, Tito and Jermaine.

There are two that died at birth of the jacksons?

No, Marlon's twin brother Brandon is the only one that died at birth.

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His brother Hugh Jackson died of hear exhaustion in 1779. His other brother Robert died in 1781 of small pox.

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Prince and Paris and one of his lion died named Joseph

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Did Jackie Jackson die?

No, Michael died in June 2009. All the rest of the Jacksons are still alive.

What was Michael jacksons star sighn?

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