majin vegeta is when vegeta is under babidis control a babidi boosts his power level to the eqivilant to a super sayian 2s
isn't the buu saga named that since they are fighting majin buu?
Majin Buu
Gohan is 18 years old in the Kid Buu Saga. The Kid Buu Saga is part of the Dragon Ball Z series and is the final saga.
i really don't think he likes anyone in Tokyo majin.......
No And if you read it you would realize how stupid your question is.
He combusted and exploded
he blows him self up with majin buu
majin vegeta is when vegeta is under babidis control a babidi boosts his power level to the eqivilant to a super sayian 2s
Yes In Gt
the majin Mario
Depend on which version of Goku you're speaking of: Goku SSJ1 vs Majin Vegeta: Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 vs Majin Vegeta: Equal Goku SSJ3 vs Majin Vegeta: Goku Goku SSJ4 vs Majin Vegeta: Goku
majin vegeta
Majin Tensei happened in 1994.
go to ..... and look for dbz shin budukai and you should be able to unlock cheats unlock ssj4 goku and majin vageta make them your partners they will help you espechally help you in chapter 3 on the mission at the bottom with the 2 endings.
Majin Tensei was created on 1997-10-30.
Vageta's younger brother