Bella Swan's parents are divorced. Her mother remarried to a man named Phil, who is a Baseball player. He traveled a lot, and her mother usually stayed home with her when he did. But Bella could tell her mother was unhappy, so she moved with Forks, Washington, to live with her dad, so her mom could travel. While in forks, she fell in love with a vampire named Edward. When another vampire wants to kill Bella and drink her blood, Edward and his family kill the vampire and save Bella.
At Bella's 18th birthday party, she gets a papercut and spills some blood on the floor. Jasper (Edward's brother) unintentionally tries to drink her blood, despite his self-control. Edward realizes that whenever Bella spends time near vampires she is put in danger, so he leaves her. She is devastated, and only finds comfort in her best friend, Jacob (Who is also a werewolf, only enemy to vampires). Then, she goes recreational cliff-diving (NOT in an attempt to kill herself) and almost ends up drowning. Jacob saves her, but Edward thinks she's dead. When he tries to kill himself, Bella stops him, and Edward's family moves back to Forks. But Jacob is hurt, because he thought that he and Bella were more than friends. But Bella still loves Edward.
Bella, Edward, and Jacob find out that Victoria (The mate of the vampire that Edward and his family killed when Bella first moved to Forks) is out to kill Bella to cause pain for Edward. She creates an army of newborn vampires (When vampires are new they are very strong). Everyone figures out a plan to save Bella, but along the way, she is conflicted with her emotions regarding Jacob and Edward. She loves them both, but she loves Edward more, and she sees how this is causing Jacob pain. Eventually, they save Bella's life and kill victoria, but Jacob runs away when he finds out Edward has proposed to Bella.
Edward and Bella get married, but then Bella gets pregnant. No one has any idea what the baby is, but most estimate that it is a half-vampire, half-human creature. Jacob returns. During this time, Jacob is hurt the most, because he still loves Bella, even though she is married and having a baby. When Bella has the baby, it harms her, and almost kills her, though not on purpose. Edward is forced to turn her into a vampire to save her life (vampires are immortal, and so turning her into one saved her. Werewolves are immortal, too). Meanwhile, Jacob Imprints on the baby, named Renesmee (Imprinting is a thing werewolves do, it's almost the equivilent to falling in love at first sight. Read The Twilight Series for a full explination). But a powerful vampire family named the voltouri are very afriad of Renesmee, and scared that she could be a threat, since no one has ever really encountered a half-vampire, half-human. They threaten Bella and Edward. In the end, they leave the baby alone, and it all works out for everyone.
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Bella's parents did get a divorce it tells us in the first book and the book also tells us how she left! Open your eyes and read please!
Bella told Edward that her favorite color changed because of her mood. In the scene in the book, she told Edward it was brown because she felt warm on that day.
I don't know! think of this the cullens&hales are all straight A's! right?&Bella's theire friend all the time. so edward helps Bella right? so probally straight A's like the Cullens&Hales, right? ask what is Bella swans grades?
1. Anyone who is less than perfect-looking isn't worth bothering with. 2. It doesn't matter if your boyfriend is an emotionally-manipulative, bossy creeper as long as he has the face of an angel and the body of Adonis.
because edward and Bella are the parents of renesmee
Renée Dwyer, formerly Renée Swan, is her mother. Charlie Swan is her father.
Bella's grandmother/old Bella is played by Christina Jastrzemska
Grandma Marie. Bella called her Gran.
Edawrd Cullen is Bella's husband. -Edward Cullen
Bella is hemophobic, or has a fear of blood.
In Twilight, Bella Swans Grandmother is called Gran.
Bella Swan was born in Forks but her mother took her to Arizona when she divorced Bella's dad
judi goldburg
Charlie Swan
The Thirteenth.