Bella told Edward that her favorite color changed because of her mood. In the scene in the book, she told Edward it was brown because she felt warm on that day.
I don't know! think of this the cullens&hales are all straight A's! right?&Bella's theire friend all the time. so edward helps Bella right? so probally straight A's like the Cullens&Hales, right? ask what is Bella swans grades?
Edward Cullen then Bella swan then later Bella Cullen
Bella Dodd died in 1969.
In Twilight, Bella and Edward go to La Bella Italia.
Bella's grandmother/old Bella is played by Christina Jastrzemska
Grandma Marie. Bella called her Gran.
Edawrd Cullen is Bella's husband. -Edward Cullen
Bella is hemophobic, or has a fear of blood.
In Twilight, Bella Swans Grandmother is called Gran.
Bella Swan was born in Forks but her mother took her to Arizona when she divorced Bella's dad
judi goldburg
Charlie Swan
The Thirteenth.
Kirsten Stewart