Fusion is stronger because when you use the potara you can't turn Super Sayain, but with fusion you can
actually vegito is stronger. 1. the maker(akira toriyama) said so 2. portara fusion is 100X stronger than the metamorphan(fusion dance) 3. SSJ4 gogeta is about as strong ssj3 vegetto- it is believed by many that vegetto can go up to ssj 3 or 4. he can because Vegetto is stronger than goku who is a ssj 3.
Please note that these are DRAGON BALL Z fusions, NOT GT: Namekian: Piccolo+Nail= Piccolo (w/Nail) Piccolo (w/Nail)+Kami=Piccolo (w/Nail and Kami) OR "The Namek" (w/ Nail) Potara Earrings: Elder Kai+Old witch= Old Kai/ Elder Kai Goku (Kakarotto)+Vegeta= Vegetto Kibito+East Kaioshin= Kibito Kai Fusion Dance: Goten+Trunks= Gotenks (Skinny, Fat, and "Normal") Goku+Dende=? (hypothetical fusion) Goku+Hercule=Gokule? (hypothetical fusion) Cell Absorption: Imperfect Cell+Android 17+humans= Semi- Perfect Cell Semi-Perfect Cell+ Android 18= Perfect Cell Majin Buu Absorbtion: Kid Buu+South Kaioshin+Grand Kaioshin= Fat Buu Fat Buu+humans=Fat Buu Fat Buu-Evil Buu=Good Buu (NOT A FUSION!) Good Buu+Evil Buu=Super Buu Super Buu+Gotenks+Piccolo+Gohan=Super Buu Super Buu- Good Buu=Kid Buu ( NOT A FUSION!) Hope that helps!
zeon is stronger. he is 75 times stronger than him.
Janemba. Broly is only SSJ-Tier. Janemba is even stronger than Kid Buu. Kid Buu toe-to-toe with SSJ3 Goku, but against Janemba, Goku had a hard time against him.If SSJ3 Goku couldn't beat him, there's no way Broly can. Broly was dead before his began to fought him. Even if he is in the movie, Fusion Reborn, Ultimate Gohan, Vegeta, or Gotenks will owned Broly.
Stronger is the original i think - by Kanye West wrong. it's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk.
they allow stronger and permanent fusion.
Vegito, because the Potara earrings are far stronger than that of the fusion technique.
Potara Fusion
goku and vegito are the same people vegito is just vegeta and goku fused using the potara fusion earings
Vegitto - was born by the potara fusion technique. Gogeta - was born by the fusion dance technique. Vegito is goku and vegeta fused with potara earrings. Gogeta is goku and vegeta fused with fusion dance.
actually vegito is stronger. 1. the maker(akira toriyama) said so 2. portara fusion is 100X stronger than the metamorphan(fusion dance) 3. SSJ4 gogeta is about as strong ssj3 vegetto- it is believed by many that vegetto can go up to ssj 3 or 4. he can because Vegetto is stronger than goku who is a ssj 3.
You fuse by doing the fusion dance or using the potara earrings.
After sacrificing himself to defeat Cell, Goku was revived using a wish from the Namekian Dragon Balls. He chose not to return to Earth immediately, instead staying in Other World to train for the next threat to the planet.
Yes you're correct. 3 Gogeta <---- Fusion Dance: Goku + Vegeta Vegito<------ Potara Earrings Fusion: Goku + Vegeta Gotenks<---- Fusion Dance: Goten + Trunks
It I were to say the right answer it would be Vegito. For 1, the potara earring fusion is much more stronger than the fusion dance.2, the fusion can only hold for 30 minutes and the potara is a permanate fusion. 3, the battle would probably last for more than 30 minutes.
You get him on story mode and for some of the characters you will need to use potara fusion.
No, vegito is stronger Fusion Dance: Imperfect / 30 minutes / 60 minute cooldown Potara Earrings: Perfect / forever / only once in a lifetime gogeta can go ssj4 only in GT vegeta and goku fused once as Vegito, when they were weaker and couldn't go ssj4 yet But the potara earrings only let them fuse once, so they couldn't do it again