On episode 21 (Another Zatch), Zatch remembers who erased his memories, Zeno, and tells it to Kiyo.Where Zatch really, really, really meets Zeno was in a sub:From Episode 147 (Reversed future. Thunder emperor Zeon. Prelude to ruin)Episode 148 (Raging Zeon! Two fates. Gash's secret)Episode 149 (The inheritor of Baou. Gash vs. Zeon. Jigadirasu's thunder)To Episode 150 (Decisive battle against Faudo! The golden radiance. The kind king)Zatch is Gash in JapaneseZeno is Zeon in JapaneseZatch really doesn't meet in dubs exception episode 21 where Zeno makes his first appearance except for the time where Robnos mentioned he saw someone from England that looked exactly like Zatch on Episode 16 ( The Invulnerable Robnos) however, Robnos didn't gave any other information about this "Look alike" (Zeno).Except for the episodes I just showed you, Zeno also had a flashback where he destroyed Rops' book, it was on episode 42 (Coldhearted Foes)Hope I helped!
Stronger is the original i think - by Kanye West wrong. it's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk.
I think Y2J is stronger
Frankie is a beast. Way stronger than Doug
no. but i thick he is cool
Ignore previous ignorant poster who probably didn't read Gash Bell much. Brago can solo Narutoverse. His early gravity spell was so powerful that it made deep holes. Not to mention destroying mountain with ease. Later spells are far stronger. Brago in babyshake.
Yevgeny Brago was born in 1929.
brago is clearly better and on a better show
Vicky Brago-Mitchell was born in 1946.
Sherry's old friend Coco got pevisted by evil and tryed to kill Sherry but Brago saved her
a name of a chemical
From movie fast & the fears
ZEON Ltd works in the field of timepieces. They specialize in clocks and watches, including novelty clocks. Their headquarters is located in London, England.
probably brago
my company laid 5 pallets of zeon zoysia and the total cost of just the sod was $1200 so each pallet is around $240
It is because zeon is a noble gas &unreactive