Please note that these are Dragon Ball Z fusions, NOT GT:
Piccolo+Nail= Piccolo (w/Nail)
Piccolo (w/Nail)+Kami=Piccolo (w/Nail and Kami) OR "The Namek" (w/ Nail)
Potara Earrings:
Elder Kai+Old witch= Old Kai/ Elder Kai
Goku (Kakarotto)+Vegeta= Vegetto
Kibito+East Kaioshin= Kibito Kai
Fusion Dance:
Goten+Trunks= Gotenks (Skinny, Fat, and "Normal")
Goku+Dende=? (hypothetical fusion)
Goku+Hercule=Gokule? (hypothetical fusion)
Cell Absorption:
Imperfect Cell+Android 17+humans= Semi- Perfect Cell
Semi-Perfect Cell+ Android 18= Perfect Cell
Majin Buu Absorbtion:
Kid Buu+South Kaioshin+Grand Kaioshin= Fat Buu
Fat Buu+humans=Fat Buu
Fat Buu-Evil Buu=Good Buu (NOT A FUSION!)
Good Buu+Evil Buu=Super Buu
Super Buu+Gotenks+Piccolo+Gohan=Super Buu
Super Buu- Good Buu=Kid Buu ( NOT A FUSION!)
Hope that helps!
Vegito, Super Gogeta, and Gotenks
There are 9 DBZ Seasons and as far as i know there are 2 DBZ GT seasons
DBZ Kai episode 56
Bardock Is not in DBZ, He Is in a Movie Featuring him, but it is before Dragon Ball. But In DBZ Raging Blast, A What if Saga Mission is That Bardock Faces Gohan & Goten. But Before That He Is Not. But If You ask me, I think Bardock would have gone SSJ When he saw his Fallen Comrades
u dont need 2 all u need is fusions
If you want to have fusions u have to go to z item fusion then go to purple porta then mix all the ones u have till u have a suitable transformation
100000000 in dbz gt what part all what version you asked? example dbz kai dbz gt dbz dbz af and more.
there is dragonball, DBZ, DBGT, and DBZ Kai
you can only be him one time in dbz buus fury but there is an emulater code to be him not for gba it is for dbz buus fury online. but you can be vegito. all you do is get all hercule exibits and all dbz fighter exibits and you will have gogeta. this comment was posted November 8th 2009 at 10:03 at night good going dbz fans
Please specify the question, what system, and what game.
yes you can use fusions at bromley swimming pool (the pavilion)
Vegito, Super Gogeta, and Gotenks
go to game
Dbz raging blast have kid buu,super buu all forms,and majin buu