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the bull

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Q: Which animal would win a fight a bull or a panther?
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Which country would you go to see a bull fight?

to go and see a bull fight i would go to SpainI think both Spain and Portugal

What do they do after the bull is tired in a bull fight?

They kill it. The death of the bull is the climax of the bull fight.

What animal is a Bull and female?

That would be a cow.

Which would win in a fight a polar bear or a bull?

The bull would win, unless the polar bear bites its face or claws the bull down.

Who would win in a fight between a bull or elephant?


Who would win in a fight between a panther and an eagle?

Panther is a generic term that includes members of the Panthera genus - lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards and jaguars. Jaguars ARE panthers. Since jaguars are the only panthers native to the Americas, the only other panther a jaguar would meet would be another jaguar. That would be a tossup.

Who would win in a fight a Moose or a Bull?

A bull will win because mooses are weak very weak

Who would win in a fight between a bull ant and a praying mantis?

Obvioussally a bull ant uhhh

Who would win a cow or a bull?

A bull is a kind of cow, but comparing the averages, a bull, being a male would have more core strength and large horns, so I predict a bull would win most of the time in a fight.

Who would win in a fight a bull or a gorilla?

The Bull. Gorilla has no way of knowing the Bull can be beaten by a blow to the skull. Bull would charge over Gorilla like everything else it fights and gore it to death.

Is a bull wild animal?

A bull is not a wild animal

What is the main animal of France?

l think it would be a bull