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Obvioussally a bull ant uhhh

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Q: Who would win in a fight between a bull ant and a praying mantis?
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Who would win in a fight bee or a praying manits?

Praying mantis. Would kill the bee even before it could try to sting.

Are praying mantis insects or amphibians?

No, a praying mantis is an its a bug! how would it be an amphibian anyways???

How do you kill mantis?

stomp on them, make a insect fight against the mantis. Mantis only kills manily INSECTS that are small and against a human i mean come on... you think a praying mantis would just become as big as a empire state building? that would be scary!

Is a praying mantis stronger than an ant?

It depends, generally, a praying mantis would be stronger, but ants are creatures that live in mass quantity. If you want straight facts, a praying mantis is stronger, if you care more about a real scenario, where there would probably be one praying mantis, and thousands of ants, ants would be stronger. Also to add to this point, ants carry up to 4 times their weight.

Do praying mantis live alone?

Except during mating season, the praying mantis is a solitary insect.

Who would win in a fight between a stag beetle vs mantis?

stag beetle

Can leopard geckos eat pray mantis?

Hello! I would not feed a Praying Mantis to a Crested Lizard, because Mantis' have spikes on their claws, which wont kill the Crested, but could very easily harm him.

Can a praying mantis eat raw meat?

Well... Many people would say no, that you should feed a praying mantis live insects (Which are usually quite cheap from most pet shops) but I think it is okay. I had a pet praying mantis that I fed raw meat and he seemed to be fine and lived 6 months like an ordinary praying mantis. So if you want to be safe, I suggest feeding it crickets or mealworms. (But only to an adult mantis, don't feed nymphs crickets or mealworms)

Male vs female praying mantis who would win?

the female mantis is big and bulky in appearance and is at least one inch longer then the male. the male is very slender and graceful looking.

What is the praying mantises importance in the garden?

the praying mantis eats all of the slugs and other bugs such as ants and pests that eat your flowers and plants.

What would be a biotic factor that would impact a population of praying mantis?

Predation, from other mantids or birds and such

What insects eat the salamander?

I would guess a praying mantis, and other bugs that are big like that