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Panther is a generic term that includes members of the Panthera genus - lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards and jaguars. Jaguars ARE panthers. Since jaguars are the only panthers native to the Americas, the only other panther a jaguar would meet would be another jaguar. That would be a tossup.

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8y ago
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8y ago

Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer toa lion - panthera leo

a tiger - panthera tigris

a leopard - pantera pardus

a jaguar - panthera onca

a snow leopard - panthera uncia

To which species of panther were you referring?

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13y ago

Definitely the bear would win. Bears are stronger and larger than panthers, so they will definitely win.

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13y ago

The panther because panthers can kill nesting eagles. The eagle can also win because it can fly down to attack the panther.

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14y ago

the panther will win the fight

__________i saw it on my science book and i also research for it :) X)__________ just kidding, a jaguar would win

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13y ago

Likely the panther, as he has more weaponry than a dog would, no matter how large or small that dog may be.

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13y ago

The bull would win, but would get badly injured by the bear.

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10y ago

Black bears and grizzly bears kill mountain lions. They both grow much bigger than mountain lions, and also are stronger.

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8y ago

It really depends on what animal you're referring to as a panther: A leopard, jaguar or just another cougar? Panther is a word that tends to get used loosely in the world of large cats.

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Q: Who would win in a fight between a panther and an eagle?
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Night time? Panther. Near silence and natural camouflage work in its favor. During the day though, the raven would never allow itself to get caught. There wouldn't even be a fight. That said, straight up I gotta hand it to the Panther. Unless of course you're making a reference to the DC comics character. Then its Raven all the way.

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In general, a lion is larger and stronger than a panther, so it would likely win in a fight between the two. Additionally, lions are known for their social behavior and hunting in groups, giving them an advantage over a solitary panther.

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