Panther is a generic term that includes members of the Panthera genus - lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards and jaguars. Jaguars ARE panthers. Since jaguars are the only panthers native to the Americas, the only other panther a jaguar would meet would be another jaguar. That would be a tossup.
The panther. Panthers are either leopards, jaguars or mountain lions, and as large predators, they would probably win.
The Panther would win because the shark would run out of air and would die, then the panther would eat it.
the bull
An Eagle would have the advantage of flight, but the ram seems like it could take more of a blow and dodge some of the attacks. It is still very hard to tell who would win in a fight like this because they are so different.
Golden eagle vs stellar eagle?
The panther. Panthers are either leopards, jaguars or mountain lions, and as large predators, they would probably win.
The Panther would win because the shark would run out of air and would die, then the panther would eat it.
Eagles of kill and eat snakes. Going with the eagle.
the bull
i think a panther would winn because they are a little more aggressive then chettah's. Both of them are very dangerous though so don't go looking for a fight
Chuck Norris, Because he makes carpet's out of tigers and panthers ^^^EPIC WIN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Night time? Panther. Near silence and natural camouflage work in its favor. During the day though, the raven would never allow itself to get caught. There wouldn't even be a fight. That said, straight up I gotta hand it to the Panther. Unless of course you're making a reference to the DC comics character. Then its Raven all the way.
Avatar and the panther jumps on the soldier robot's back and the panther claws the robot's head and then reaches for the throat. Avatar slices the robot's head and slashes it. The robot would probably win by hitting the panther and stabbing it with the knife. Avatar would have no chance against the robot unless he reaches for the head.
In general, a lion is larger and stronger than a panther, so it would likely win in a fight between the two. Additionally, lions are known for their social behavior and hunting in groups, giving them an advantage over a solitary panther.
The panther will not win since the gorilla will give a strong blow to the panther and the large ox will knock down the panther with its head. This leaves the large ox and the gorilla together in fighting. The large ox will win if it knocked the gorilla down with its head or at least gore it to death.
That depends on what type of bird. If it was an eagle, an eagle will have a good chance of winning a fight against an unarmed human.
Mighty eagle bird.