When you buy the whole thing inside the box and everything, you will see instructions came with it.
yes go on Google and type in bakugan viper Helios black pyrus
Maxus Drago has 3400 G's.
Logically, I don't think a Bakugan can talk. If you are suggesting the show, I will try to list all of them here: Drago, Helios, Elfin, Tigrera, Naga, Preyas, Hydranoid,Skyress,Gorem, and that's probably it. These ae from the main characters.
i do i have exactly 300 counting deka, traps, and battle gear i have been collecting since before it came out. in i am sure it was 2008. still collecting now. Very happy about the new season coming out since wave 5 of gundalian invaders is the last wave it will come soon. To all brawlers out there Bakugan Brawl! (when i said counting deka, traps, and battle gear that includes bakugan I HOPE YOU KNEW THAT)
they have already came out bakugan maxus Helios and maxus drago are release on october, 05 2009.
On Google it says no. However, there are Maxus Dragonoid and Maxus Helios. Maxus Dragonoid has 3400G and Maxus Helios has 3700G.
maxus Helios you got me so get lost
No one know hopefully before the series ends :) Bakugan maxus Helios and maxus drago are release on october, 05 2009.
I do not really know where maxus Helios is sold with the full set,but I have the whole thing and i bought it individually.
you need a scraper,klawgor,helios,foxbat,spindle,fencer,leefram. you'll need the instructions to build him, which comes with the bakugan set (by GameGodDarion)
So far, there are no rules for Maxus Helios and Maxus Drago in the game but for sets like Meta Altair, one bakugan would act like a trap.( In Meta Altair, Wired is the bakugan trap). In the show, Maxus Drago and Maxus Helios fight in the last few brawls. The winner will brawl against Prince Hydron and decide the fight of new vestoria.
you need a helios,spindle,leefram,klawger,scraper,foxbat, and fencer.
if have to complete the game on story mode then play story mode again and in the item boxes you can find on part of maxus Helios
I think in December of 2009!In October 2009 and I recommend bakugan new releaseBakugan 7 in 1 Maxus DragonoidBakugan Maxus Helios (7 Figures Combined Into 1)Bakugan Gauntlet
You have to go to the last level. Marucho will find the last piece, the ventus dude. Then you will have to battle maxus helios. Good luck!
the top pyrus trainer is definitely dan by a triple longshot.