Chat with our AI personalities or at walmart but sold out already... maybe wait for 1 month till in stock available bakugan CHEAP - bakuswap, bakuclear, bakutrap, bakuspin BAKUGAN BRAWL!!!!!!!!!
i do i have exactly 300 counting deka, traps, and battle gear i have been collecting since before it came out. in i am sure it was 2008. still collecting now. Very happy about the new season coming out since wave 5 of gundalian invaders is the last wave it will come soon. To all brawlers out there Bakugan Brawl! (when i said counting deka, traps, and battle gear that includes bakugan I HOPE YOU KNEW THAT)
yes it's off a tv show: bakugan battle brawlers it goes: what you gonna do? the odds are stacked against you back against the wall you gotta give it your all a-a-a-a.... \ this is the final stand the power is in your hand two worlds collide from the inside you gotta fight for whats right before it's gone, gone, gone this is bakugan.
I'm the best brawler I've got the best bakugan