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The Inuyasha anime series ended in Japan at 167 episodes. Why? Because the anime had been caught up with the manga for a while, and rather than continue to make filler episodes, or their own version of the ending the anime creators decided to just end the TV series and let fans continue with the story through the manga only.

The best thing to do, (which sucks if you like ANIME) if you want to continue the story to read the magna.

The anime Ends at Vol. 36 Chap. 356 and at the moment InuYasha manga has been English scanlated up to Vol.52 Ch.514.

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13y ago
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14y ago

there is no episode 168! but the rest is continued in 'inuyasha the final act'

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15y ago

I think that they are finished making the Inuyasha episodes, but I really wish that they continue them D=

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15y ago

there is no 168 epi only the final act but sorry its only in japanesse for now and their is only 6 epi's of the final act

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15y ago

there is no such episode of inuyasha but they had made inuyasha the final act from the last 21 books of inuyasha

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15y ago

In America, 2012. In Japan, 2010.

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What website does Inrush episode 168 English dubbed on?

There isn't going to be a Inuyasha episode 168. Instead they are going to make a new series of Inuyasha called Inuyasha Final Act.

When will episode 168 of Inuyasha will come out?

It has been out, however the title is called "Inuyasha: The Final Act Episode 1" The official site is shown on the related links.

Will they come out with a new Inuyasha episode in 2008?

of course. they are carring on right now theres episode 168 in japanese.

Are Inuyasha the final act 1 and Inuyasha episode 168 the same thing?

yes. inuyasha the final act 1 and inuyasha episode 168 are the same thing. just a different beginning.

Where can you watch Inuyasha 168?

There is and will never be an InuYasha episode 168. But the last series of InuYasha called the final Act aired in America on November and ended on March 2010. There are only 26 episodes. You can watch them at I hoped I helped! :)

When does bleach episode 168 come out in English?

Episode 168 "The New Captain Appears! His Name Is Shūsuke Amagai" was aired April 23, 2008 and dubbed in english August 28, 2010

Where do you get inuyasha episode 168?

Episode 168 is not made. The last and final episode is 167.But they made a new series so go to and thatz were you'll find the new series! :D

In What Shippuden episode does minato appear in?

that's Naruto Shippuden not Inuyasha and i think the answer is somewhere in 240's when Naruto's fighting Pain Wrong its episode 168 but watch 166-168...that the best part i think

When will inuyasha 168 come out?

they said the new season will come out in September 2009 but i don't know when exactly in September :)

What episode is inuyasha lost episode?

Sango never actually 'looses her mind'. she gets completely distraught during episode 50, that unforgettable face, over her brother Kohaku and almost commits homicide/suicide over him, then in 100, fight in the forest of despair, where she was in the coccoon of the moth demon, and saw an illusion of kohaku killing her friends (not real!). Finally, sango gets drunk on the mist of sages, as it is what appears to be sake in gas form. She then attempts to kiss InuYasha, and leave the others behind, then finnaly beat the snot out of miroku in episode 135, the last banquet of miroku's master.

When is bleach 168 English coming out?

Episode 168 "The New Captain Appears! His Name Is Shūsuke Amagai" was aired April 23, 2008 and dubbed in english August 28, 2010

When did bleach episode 168 came out in English dubbed?

The original airdate was April 23, 2008. The English airdate was August 28, 2010.