that's Naruto Shippuden not Inuyasha and i think the answer is somewhere in 240's when Naruto's fighting Pain
Wrong its episode 168
but watch 166-168...that the best part i think
He meets his father, Minato Namikaze, in Naruto: Shippuden episode 168. He doesn't technically meet him, as Minato died 16 years ago. It is only a piece of Minato that he stored in Naruto in case Naruto ever wanted to release the Nine Tails.
Minato appeared in Naruto Shippuuden Episode 168 when Naruto sprouted the ninth tail during the fight with Pain.
The Target Appears episode 97 of Naruto Shippuden
in episode 203 of naruto shippuden saskues susano is seen in its 1st stage
Naruto shippuden episode 128 Jiraiya ninja scroll part two
I am not sure about Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto's mother), but Minato Namikaze (known as the Fourth Hokage) confesses to Naruto that he is his father. In ''Naruto Shippuden'' episode 168.
It Is A FACT Naruto's Father Is The 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze, And That His Mother Is Kushina Uzumaki. Just Watch Naruto Shippuden Episode 128. It Is A Flashback Of Jiraiya's. It Is About The Times When Minato Was Jiraiya's Apprentice.
He meets his father, Minato Namikaze, in Naruto: Shippuden episode 168. He doesn't technically meet him, as Minato died 16 years ago. It is only a piece of Minato that he stored in Naruto in case Naruto ever wanted to release the Nine Tails.
Naruto meets his father, Minato Namikaze, in Episode 167 of Naruto Shippuden titled "Planetary Devastation." This episode reveals the emotional reunion between Naruto and Minato, where Minato entrusts his son with the knowledge about the Nine-Tails sealed within him.
Shippuden episode 46
Minato appeared in Naruto Shippuuden Episode 168 when Naruto sprouted the ninth tail during the fight with Pain.
yes he is, it gives a big hint on shippuden episode 128?? around there
The Target Appears episode 97 of Naruto Shippuden
in episode 203 of naruto shippuden saskues susano is seen in its 1st stage
Naruto shippuden episode 128 Jiraiya ninja scroll part two
there are a few times hinata appear in naruto, too many to be listed. as for shippuden, try episode 90 onwards where team 7 goes on a mission with team 8 and episode 166 where hinata fights with pain (if you are a big fan of hinata, i suggest you dont watch this episode) go wikipedia and type "list of nauto episodes" or "list of naruto shippuden episodes for more details.
episode 1 , 46 ,47, 48, 49 and episode 50 these are the first few episodes heres a link for free episodes