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There is and will never be an InuYasha episode 168. But the last series of InuYasha called the final Act aired in America on November and ended on March 2010. There are only 26 episodes. You can watch them at I hoped I helped! :)

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13y ago
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14y ago

There is not and will never be an InuYasha episode 168. But, on 2009 november, they created the last InuYasha series called The Final act. There are 26 episodes. You can watch all of them at Hope I helped! :D

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14y ago

There is no episode 168. The TV animated series concluded after episode 167, but the events of the last 21 volumes of the manga or so appeared in the new Inuyasha series Inuyasha: Kanketsuhen, also known as Inuyasha: The Final Act, which you can watch for free on Shonen Sunday's anime website (in Japanese with English subtitles).

While some websites indicate that the episodes in The Final Act are 168 and onward, the official websites name and number them separately from the anime TV series, beginning with 1 and ending with 26, rather than beginning with 168 and ending with 194.

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16y ago they have all 4 movies and all the episodes.

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13y ago

There is none.

The series was unexpectingly stopped after 167.

actually, episode 168 will come out after it premieres for the Asian airdate

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13y ago

yes, there is inuyasha the final act episode 1-26 but has not come out in English yet....

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15y ago

There is no real episode 168; there are movies and FINALLY THEY RELEASED the Final Act 8D Try (:

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14y ago

YouTube is a good place if you want to watch it piece by piece, but I recommend

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15y ago

It does not exit -yet

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It has been out, however the title is called "Inuyasha: The Final Act Episode 1" The official site is shown on the related links.

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