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OK here's what actually happens in the book: (Spoiler Alert!!)

They don't kiss in New Moon at all but they do however, kiss twice in Eclipse. Edward is not extremely mad at either incidence.

The first time Jacob and Bella kissed was when she went to visit Jacob at his house and she broke her hand. Edward was not extremely mad he just in a very Edward-like way, calmly explained to Jacob that if he ever kissed her again without her explicit instructions (her asking him to) he would break his jaw.

The second time was when Jacob was about to go kill himself right before the fight with the newborns because he had just found out that Edward and Bella were getting married, and he told Bella that he had nothing else to live for. (Edward later explains that this was a trap that Jacob set for Bella so that she could kiss him without getting in trouble with Edward). Bella then asked him to kiss her to stop Jacob from doing something stupid and getting himself killed intentionally. Again, Edward was not mad; he was very loving and understanding, as is his nature because he truly only wants Bella to be happy no matter who she picks! Bella was upset at herself and Edward commented that he wishes she hadn't asked because he really would have enjoyed breaking his face.

Team Edward all the way!! Why? Case in point up above, He truly is the better man...I mean Vampire!!

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14y ago
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13y ago

no, they don't in the first book. They only do properly near the end in book three but Jacob forces kisses on Bella a few times in books 2, 3 and at the very begining of 4 but Bella is not willing.

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15y ago

She started to say no but he cut her off by kissing her and when he was done she punched him and broke her hand

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14y ago

Yes. Bella and Jacob share an intimate kissing scene in Eclipse.

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15y ago

In Eclipse against her will.

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4y ago

Jacob does tell Bella he's a werewolf, because she needed to know. It was paining Bella that Jacob wasn't the Jacob she knew, and told her to thinking back to what he had said of LaPush beach when telling her the legends.

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Q: When does Jacob kiss Bella?
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