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No she doesn't. In Eclipse, Jacob and Bella share 2 kisses. One of them, Jacob forcefully kissed Bella, the other, Bella asked Jacob to kiss her to prevent him from going into the fight with Victoria.

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14y ago

NO! if you know the series at all then you would know that he would NEVER do that

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Q: Did Bella Cheat on Edward
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Does Bella cheat on edward in breaking dawn?

not in the book she doesnt

Who did Bella cheat on Edward with?

I guess that depends on how you define cheat. The way I would define it, she didn't cheat with anyone. However, she did develop a close friendship with another boy that she knew loved her ... Jacob.

Does edward cheat on Bella during any of the books?

well, it depends on how you think of it. she does kiss Jacob while dating edward but he has given her permission to do so. and she admits to being in love with him, but edward forgives her even though she feels horrible about it. so, if you think that cheating then yes.

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Bella doesn't bruise Edward, Edward bruises Bella.

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Bella is for Team Edward.

Is Edward cheating on Bella from 'Twilight'?

If you are talking about the characters, Edward and Bella, then no. Edward only loves Bella with all of his heart and wants her to be happy because she is the girl that he has been waiting for forever. If you are talking about the actors, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, then, there has been no reports that Robert cheated on Kristen.

Is Edward And Bella's Daughter Human Or Vampire?

Edward and Bella's Daughter is both Human and vampire ,no its not edward bit Bella so Bella is a vampire then they had a baby and the baby is a vampire because both edward and Bella are vampire parents!

What song does Bella sing for Edward?

Bella never sings to Edward.

The differencece between edward and Bella?

Edward is a vampire, Bella is a human.

Who does Bella end with Edward or Jacob?

Bella ends up with Edward.

Does Bella ever cheat on Edward?

No, Bella does not cheat on Edward in the Twilight series. She remains faithful to him throughout the entire story.