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well, it depends on how you think of it.

she does kiss Jacob while dating edward but he has given her permission to do so.

and she admits to being in love with him, but edward forgives her even though she feels horrible about it.

so, if you think that cheating then yes.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

She doesn't cheat on Edward, But Jacob Black kisses her, then she punches him, and breaks her hand. She is very mad at him, and so is Edward.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, Edwrd does not cheat on Bella. Bella cheats on edward.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

edward cant die

Edward can die, but he does not die in any of the books.

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Q: Does edward cheat on Bella during any of the books?
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If you are talking about the characters, Edward and Bella, then no. Edward only loves Bella with all of his heart and wants her to be happy because she is the girl that he has been waiting for forever. If you are talking about the actors, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, then, there has been no reports that Robert cheated on Kristen.

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No, Bella does not cheat on Edward in the Twilight series. She remains faithful to him throughout the entire story.

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No, Bella is forced to kiss Jacob. Although while she kisses him to save him she does consider and thinks that if she were normal she would be with him. --- And even she had 'cheated', I somehow doubt Edward would have seen it that way. A central conflict of Eclipse is that Edward is torn both between wanting Bella for himself and wanting Bella (in some part of his mind/heart) to choose Jacob, because he wants Bella's life to be normal, happy, and uncomplicated. Such a drama queen. Ha.

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No she doesn't. In Eclipse, Jacob and Bella share 2 kisses. One of them, Jacob forcefully kissed Bella, the other, Bella asked Jacob to kiss her to prevent him from going into the fight with Victoria.

Does edward cheat on Bella?

NO!! edward would never cheat on Bella!!!!! edward is obsessed with Bella ( who wouldn't!! she is soo cool!!!) In real life they both cheated on each other but Kristen Stewart cheated more. Rob is so hot n Kristen is gay.

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