Have Electabuzz hold a Electirizer and trade it with someone to evolve it into an Electivire.
elikid evolves to electabuzz at level 30 so u catch it at valley windworks at level 6,7,8,9,10 using pokerader u should be able to find one and bring it up about 20 levels and then trade it when it is holding an electrizer and look at the electivire
yes Leonidas can
At this point and time it hasn't
There is no specific level at which Riolu evolves. You must get it to like you. To do this give Riolu the soothe bell and have him first in your party. Enter him in competitions and have him win battles. He will like you more and more and will evolve in a short while. put him first in party, give him poffins and soothe bell win battles and he will usually evolve round lvl 30
By the process of natural selection and adaptation to a continuously changing environment.
You can't get Electivire. You have to evolve Electabuzz to get Electivire. You can get Electabuzz at Route 222.
the electirizer is an item to evolve a electabuzz to a electivire
it evolve by trade with the electabuzz holding the electrilizer
To evolve an Electabuzz into an Electivire, attach an Electrizer to the Electabuzz and then trade with someone else that owns a copy of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and then Electabuzz will evolve into an Electivire!Right here there are some questions awaiting your answers...http://wiki.answers.com/Q/FAQ/2085
Electabuzz will not evolve no matter what level it is. To evolve it into an Electivire, you'll need to give it the Electirizer and then trade it.
You can not. You can, however, evolve an Electabuzz.
you have to make electabuzz evolve there is no other way.
He doesn't. Electivire is the final form of Elekid, while Electabuzz is the second form. To evolve Elekid into Electabuzz you must gain experience and reach Lvl 30. To evolve Electabuzz into Electivire you must trade your Electabuzz while it's holding the item Electrizer.
Electabuzz does not evolve via level up in SoulSilver.However, if you trade your Electabuzz whilst it is holding an Electerizer (or however you spell it) it will evolve into Electivire.
Electabuzz > trade with electrizer > Electivire
electrizer: hold to electabuzz and trade electabuzz to evolve into electivire magmarizer: hold to magmar and trade magmar to evolve into magmortar
To evolve an Electabuzz into an Electivire, trade it while holding an Electirizer.