By the process of natural selection and adaptation to a continuously changing environment.
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Anime Network was created in 2002.
no but if you get one it will evolve
Pokemon don't evolve through level up in the anime. In the anime, evolution generally happens during a crucial moment, such as when the Pokemon is in trouble. It's also possible that Bulbasaur was well liked by the fans and they didn't want to see him evolve.
Bulbasaur does not evolve during the Pokemon anime series, there is an episode where Bulbasaur is about to evolve, but he restrains himself from doing so, because it didn't wish to evolve
the 74th episode of black and white BW074 OR 731st of the whole anime
MEW DOES NOT EVOLVE INTO ANY POKEMON INCLUDING MEWTWO he gave live birth to mewtwo (or as the anime series says, he was the base of the cloned mewtwo
Yes, I've seen it before but I don't remember when. I do know it was in the anime.
In Red and Blue, you would use a thunder stone on him, but Pokemon Yellow is based on the anime, where Pikachu refuses to evolve, so that's why it doesn't work.
you can't sorry but you can make it learn volt tackle -hope this heped
Koffing evolves into Weezing at level 35 in Pokémon FireRed. James uses a Koffing in the anime.
yes she does it hatched from an egg. i can prove it to you. copy and paste this link.
If this is the case, you're playing Pokemon Yellow. Yellow prevents the starter Pikachu from evolving due to following the anime, where Pikachu refuses to evolve (though it's possible to evolve it by trading it to another game, evolving it there, and trading it back to Yellow).
Horsea is a water type Pokémon which was owned by Misty in the anime. It evolves into Seadra at level 32.