the 74th episode of black and white BW074
OR 731st of the whole anime
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
Swadloon evolves by happiness.
it evoves when it becomes a level 32
Level it up with its happiness value at 220
Sewaddle evolves at level 20 into Swadloon.
Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon, which evolves into Leavanny.
the episode that ashs grovyle evolves is odd Pokemon out that's the name of the episode and the season is battle frontier
Swadloon Evolves by Happiness
Swadloon evolves by happiness.
Ash's Grotle evolved in the episode "Aiding The Enemy!". It evolved during a battle with a trainer's Honchrow.
No,Ash's snivey wont evolve
swadloon evolves into leavanny when you level it up with high friendship
Level 20 it evolves into Swadloon Then When It Is Super Happy It Evolves into Leavanny
Ash's Grovyle evolves into Sceptile in the Advanced Geneation series episode number 161 titled 'Odd Pokemon Out!'.
sewaddle evolve when you level them up to lv 20 they evolve into swadloon
happens when is it happy
it's simple just