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The first animal she drank blood from was a mountain lion... but she had tried hunting a group of elk at first; she had to stop hunting because she smelled a human nearby and did not want to kill him/her.

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Q: What was the first animal Bella hunted in breaking dawn?
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3 technically, it starts out with Bella, then part two is Jacob, then it goes back to Bella

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Actually that's where they go after Bella's first hunt. But all they do there is kiss

What is the first animal that Bella hunts when she is a vampire?

The first animal she hunts is a mountain lion, i think.

What animals is the most hunted?

Identifying the most hunted animal depends on whether you mean hunted by humans or by predatory animals. Even then, sources disagree. Various sources report the deer is the most hunted animal, but some say quail, ducks, rabbits, or mice are the most hunted animals.

Is Bella the narater in breaking dawn or Jacob or both?

First, Bella starts out as the narrator in Breaking Dawn. Then, Jacob is the narrator for a couple chapters and makes him sound really obnoxious. Then, to finish up the rest of the book, Bella narrates.

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first of all its BREAKING dawn not breacking dawn and no bella doesnt die in BREAKING dawn she becomes a vampire and lives with edward and their child renesmee

In Breaking dawn when do Edward and Bella get married?

Edward and Bella get married in Breaking Dawn during the first part of the book, specifically in Chapter 5.

What movie does Edward get Bella pregnant in?

Well the Breaking Dawn movie is not out yet, but it is going to be coming out in two parts, but i assume that she will either have her baby at the end of the first part or the beginning of part 2.