Yes, Bella does become a vampire in Breaking Dawn. Edward bite her- or she dies, because of Renesmee being born. This isn't the first time that Edward has had to do something with venom to Bella.
no he does NOT who ever told you that
Yes Bella will become a vampire in the book breaking dawn.....
she don't become a vampire in Twilight, she become vampire in Breaking Dawn, which is 4th book.
Good vampire, of course!
As in the book, Rosalie, is very beautiful and apparently no guy has ever not been attracted to her, so, when she met Edward she had a resentement towards the fact that he showed no interest in her whatsoever. And when Bella came along and Edward was in love with her, Rosalie flipped. Even though she is quite in love with Emmett and probably wouldent have been interested in Edward, she still resents the fact that he wasnt attracted to her. So, basically, Rosalie was jealous of Bella for getting Edward's attention so easily when she couldent.
yes but not until breaking dawn/ where is is on her death bed.
the main setting is were Bella tureds into a vanpire and her babby
yes in the last book moments after she gives birth to her daughter
Bella says to Edwerd..... I know what you are.Edwerd says what am I.Bella says a vanpire and then they go out.
To become a vanpire u must get your blood sucked by one. This is how when you a bat go to it then it will suck your blood. Then you are a vanpire. But you can't see your family because if you see a human you will bite them.
Yes you can!
Rosalie Hale and Bella Swan Cullen not only begin to get along, but they actually become very close friends.
yes, in the third book
in the book jasper is telling Bella he is just like her same scares and he showed her were his scare was when the vanpire biten hem it looks the same as her
yes in the third book..wen rosalie tells Bella her story of how she was raped and that's when carlisle found her and turned her into a vampire
no only animals