NO! i don't even think he ever had a lip ring!
oh that's wrong
yes he does
its proven
i saw it on tmz last nite, and also on the MTV vmas this year
Amber Rose Lil Wayne Tory lanez All I Can Think Of Right Now
Lip injection problem
There is no clear answer as to why Karan Brar's lip was swollen. It's a mystery!Just kidding! He ate manure in india as it is a sikh ritual and his lip started to rot. A disease is killing him slowly and the side effects are his lip swelling , bones shrinking, and weight loss.
The correct term is lip synching. Lip singing is used by those that don't know what it is they are trying to say and have never seen it correctly written.
No, Brian and the Band have and will never lip synch.
Dougie Had his Lip Pierced on his Left Hand side.
The Right Side Of Your Lip !!
there is no gay side
No, it doesn't matter where you get your lip pierced at persay but I personally think that piercing your lip looks absolutely disgusting but if you do decide to get it done get it done on the side of your lip near the corner of your mouth:)
Absolutely nothing. The side doesn't matter.
A vector for infection?
he has spider bites on the side of him lip he had his nose pierced and he has his ears pierced then he stretched them out
On your lip...
He was 13 when he got his lip pierced =]
Any side you want, If you get your nose pierced on the left do the lip ring on.the opposite so it don't look dumb.
This question doesn't make any sense.
Neither. Only women should pierce their lips.