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I would say thunderwave as Blissey isn't the fastest pokemon out there and sing misses 50% of the time, while thunderwave hits 100% of the time and slows down the opponent. Plus I prefer to paralyze rather then to put pokemon to sleep as it's not as reliable

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Q: What is better for a Blissey sing or thunderwave?
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Should you teach your Blissey toxic or thunderwave?

toxic would be good then teach it substitute and minimize and in battle use substitute first then toxic and then start using minimize alot and also teach it softboiled and use it when your low on hp.

What poke'mon has highest base hp?

Blissey. However, the high HP is traded off for appalling attack/defense. The other ones, with better Attack/Defense are Wailord, Wobbuffet, and Slaking. These all have great HP's and much better attack/defense than Blissey.

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It really depends what u wanna do... With only counter and seismic toss ghost types can set up all over perhaps I've beam if you don't have a ghost counter....sing is what run in my blissey to predict the switch ins of fighting types sleeping pokes can then be taken out wth psychics or ice beams/ seismic toss while they are asleep

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Jiggilypuff, Blissey,Delcatty, Kricitune but there other moves to put Pokemon to sleep E.G. Dark Void

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Snorlax and Blissey are WAY better than Shuckle. Blissey has SUPER HIGH hp and can heal itself Snorlax is a way better attacker and kills Pokemon WAY faster So it depends what you want, a longer lasting Pokemon or a Pokemon that will end the battle faster

How do you teach wish to blissey?

Wish Blissey was given out as an event at the New York Pokemon Center. There is no other way for Blissey to learn Wish short of hacking it onto Blissey.

What type of Pokemon is Blissey?

Blissey is a Normal type pokemon.

What is the max hp that blissey can have?

Blissey`s max HP is 661!

What are all of the Pokemon who can use sing?

The Pokémon who can use Sing are Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Chansey, Lapras, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Smoochum, Blissey, Skitty, Delcatty, Swablu, Altaria, Kricetune, Chatot, Azurill, Plusle and Minun.

Which one is better Dance or sing?

Sing ofc

Do you think on the Wii the 'disney sing it' or 'u sing' is a better game?

You Sing

What is the national pokedex number for Blissey?

Blissey is #242 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.