Batista Bomb Spinebuster Suplex Spear
Suplex into table, pedigree into table, suplex from top rope into table.... Chokeslam into table.... drop toehold into table and many more
André never had one finishing move yet he had many signiture moves some being Double underhook suplex Elbow drop Kneeling belly to belly piledriver Standing splash Underhook suplex
Give suplex or monkey toss to superstar in front of table.
Finisher-Stone Cold StunnerSigniture Moves-Back body drop-Boston crab-Catapult-Clothesline-Leapfrog body guillotine-Pointed elbow drop-Sleeper hold-Spinebuster-Stomp to the opponent's groin-STF-Suplex-Superplex-Texas piledriver-Thesz press followed by multiple punches
German suplex and back suplex
To reverse a suplex, you would need to counteract the opponent's actions by shifting your weight and momentum. This could involve performing a counter move such as a counter suplex, a well-timed escape, or by destabilizing your opponent's balance to prevent them from executing the suplex successfully. Practice, timing, and remaining aware of your opponent's movements are key to effectively reversing a suplex.
suplex slam
dark pink
Glam Slam,Fishermans Suplex
Batista Bomb Spinebuster Suplex Spear
Suplex is a move used in wrestling. One person picks the other up, lifts him or her upside down, and then slams them back down to the mat. This is considered an offensive move.
Suplex into table, pedigree into table, suplex from top rope into table.... Chokeslam into table.... drop toehold into table and many more
André never had one finishing move yet he had many signiture moves some being Double underhook suplex Elbow drop Kneeling belly to belly piledriver Standing splash Underhook suplex
Give suplex or monkey toss to superstar in front of table.
there are two ways. the first is to make sure your opponent is on his knees. you then approach him from the front and hti the button command. this way is tricky cause it doesn't always do a suplex. the easiest way is to stand behind them when they're on their knees and hit the action button when prompted
Absorb the boss Bugsy in the Dyna Blade game once you defeat him.