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Batista Bomb




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Q: What is batista Finisher?
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What is the Batista move?

if you meen finisher then its the batista bomb but otherwise i dont no what it is

How do you how your finisher 3 times in wwe?

Are you talking about the videogame? Because certain people like Triple H & Batista have it. Or just save up your finsher gauge 3 times and do finisher after finisher after finisher. Does that answer your question? If not email me.

How do you give batista bomb finisher?

I thing that you should stop watching wrestling. It is fake .

Who do you thinks my top 10 WWE wrestlers?

The top 10 wwe wrestlers By Daniel Alvares 1.Edge[ultimate opertunist,the rated R superstar] finisher-spear(my favorite) 2.shawn micheals [HBK,showstopper] finisher-sweetchinmusic 3.triple h[seribal assasin,king of kings,the game]finisher-pedigree 4.john cena-finisher-attitude ajustment(F.U) 5.batista[the animal]finisher-batista bomb 6.john morrison-finisher-starshiftpain 7.chris jericho-finisher-codebreaker 8.randy orton[the A PEX predetor,the viper]finisher-RKO 9.undertaker[the phenom,dead man]finisher-chokeslam and tombstone piledriver 10.sheamus-finisher-broad kick

In smackdown vs raw 2009 how do you steal edges taunt?

Batista doesnt have the abilitie to steal taunts, like Melina or Edge or Cody Rhodes, etc. would be able to do, but Batista has a spear of his own, which is what you have to use. Lock in your signature move, (this is not a finisher move), then run toward Edge and press the finisher button.

What is Dave Batista's signature move?

5 Knuckle Shuffle...The five knuckle shuffle and his finisher is either the stf (shut the f up) or the F U, aka attitude ajdustment

What is Eddie guerros finisher?

The 3 amigos 1st finisher Lasso from El Passo 2nd finisher Frog Splash 3rd finisher

What is kofi Kingston's finisher?

his finisher is trouble in paradise

What superstar finisher can you create in smackdown vs raw 2009?

You can create nearly every finisher using create-a-finisher.

How do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling 2?

how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling how do you do a double powerbomb finisher in legends of wrestling

How do you do edges finisher in WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011?

the opponent has to be laying on their back then get close to them with your finisher and it will say finisher and press the button that does your finisher. ps. this works for all platforms: Ps2,Wii,Ps3,Xbox360,Psp

What is the finisher of WWE hunico?

Hunico's finisher-=senton bomb >:l