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Episode 77 and 78 is kinda the prelude...He ends up fighting krillin, gohan, and vegeta for awhile then Piccolo shows up and they fight...Goku wakes up at episode 86 and that's when the fun begins =] hope this helped (>0.o)>

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14y ago

goku deafetes frieza on episode 89 in Dragon Ball Z the episode is called frieza defeated at last i think

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the answer is....episode 92!

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episode 226

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episode 108

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Q: What episode does trunks kill frieza?
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What episode does frieza get killed by Goku?

Frieza does not get killed by Goku. Future Trunks is the one to kill Frieza.

What episode does Mecha Frieza get destroyed by Trunks in DBZ Kai?

DBZ Kai episode 56

In what episode does goku return to earth after defeting frieza?

Goku returned from defeating Frieza in episode 121 of season four after Trunks chopped Frieza into pieces and blasted him along with his father King Cold

What show is when trunks vs frieza?

Dragon Ball Z - Episode 105 - 106 or 120 Dragon Ball Kai - Episode 56

How does trunks kill frizer when Goku did?

Yess.. Goku kills friezabut then king cold creates frieza again as Mecha-Friezaand trunkskills Mecha-Frieza

Which episode does gohan attack freiza?

Gohan attacks Frieza with a Masenko Blast in Episode 83 "Another Transformation?", because Frieza is about to kill Piccolo.

Who did trunks defeat?

When Mairi (future) Trunks came from the future in the trunks saga before Goku returns from Yardrat, Frieza lands on Earth and Mairi (future) Trunks went Super saiyan and sliced Frieza up with his sword and blew him to bits so he technically defeated Frieza. Goku didn't really succeed in defeating Frieza. Mairi (future) Trunks defeated someone not kid Trunks.

Who killed frieza in dbz?

First goku killed frieza on planet Namek then his dad fixed him and trunks (future trunks) killed him.

How did trunks come on Dragon Ball Z Kai?

Trunks used a time machine that his mother bulma made and came back in time before he was born and then took down frieza. The first episode he is in is There is Planet Earth Father! Frieza and King Cold Strike Back!

Who is stronger future trunks or freaza?

trunks of course.he killed frieza less than an hour

Can trunks beat 100 percent frieza?

no becase mecha frieza was stronger than his 100 percent form

Can trunks defeat gohan?

Trunks,Can actually fight him,but not defeat him, King of POP-Beat King of Evil 3 times before reaching the Yernero stage. Trunks-Fight Gohan in 'Future Confidence' using #17. King of Geronimo-Beat Brown and Frown in King of Caves stage 10 times before reaching King of Caves! Zarbon(Absorbed Dodoria and Frieza)-Kill Goku and Vegeta in "WHO IS THE MASTER?..FRIEZA?".