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Whenever you first meet Sesshomaru in the 1st Season Jaken has been with Sesshomaru even before the series started. You do get to see a flashback Jaken has. He tells Rin about his first encounter with Lord Sesshomaru and why he is so loyal in Season 3 Episode 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga

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14y ago
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13y ago

I am sorry i forgot but I know it is inuyasha the final act and I know the episode is close to 6 SPOILER ALERT: sessmaru meets his mother (a demon mom him and inuyasha have different mothers) she says she has a task from sessmaru and inuyasha's dad he must go to the underworld (I think the episode is called "Sesshomaru in the underworld") to strengthen his sword rin follows him and kohuku sango's little brother now rembers everything and wants to kill miruku but when they enter the underworld rin doesn't wake up like kuhuku (because he's already dead) kuhuku carries rin on his back soon rin stops breathing and gets colder then the underworld god kidnappers rin sesshomaru follows gets rin back and ends up stenghing up his sword but rin is still dead he gasps and picks her up in her arms and this sentice shocks me "Nothing could be worth rin's life!" sessmaru really said that but don't worry rin doesn't die at the end hope you enjoy!

Inuyasha The Final Act Episode 9

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16y ago

InuYasha episode 35 The True Owner of the Great Sword.

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12y ago

#3 or 4, Aristocratic Assassin: Sesshomaru.

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13y ago

Sesshomaru meets Rin in the episode "The True Owner of the Great Sword." Rin finds Sesshomaru recovering in the woods, after he was almost killed by the Wind Scar.

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11y ago

Episode #35 : "The True Owner of the Great Sword!"

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15y ago

Inuyasha episode 34 or 35

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4y ago

I don't think there is one

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*Sesshomaru Episode 35

In episode 162 does Rin leave Shessomura?

no rin leaves sesshomaru in manga near the end but not in the anime

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Episode 162 - Together with Lord Sesshomaru

What episode of Inuyasha does Jaken nuzzle Sesshomaru's fluff?

In episode 116. They are looking for rin who was kidnaped and jaken got off subject trying to talk to sesshomaru who was ignoring him at the time.

Is rin sesshomaru's love interest?

No. Sesshomaru loves Rin like a daughter. Sesshomaru has significant feelings for Kagura and that is shown in the final act in episode 1. (not gonna say what happens don't wanna spoil it for you) Ok fine, Kagura dies, there, I said it.

What happens between Sesshomaru and Rin in Inuyasha Season 8?

season 8 is almost the end of inuyasha until the new episode comes out which is 168 in September 2009 but in the end of the season sesshomaru comes to save rin when she gets kidnapped but the monks who hate demons save the other kid and rin but rin just sits there and waits until sesshomaru comes and when the monk asks her to come with him she was talking about how her lord which is sesshomaru will come to save her and sesshomaru heard her and soon the monks see sesshomaru and try to destroy him but sesshomarus demon powers are too much and the monks all faint while one monk tells rin not to go with the demon and soon rin runs off with sesshomaru.

What is Sesshomaru's greatest desire?

sesshomaru greatest desire is rin

Did Sesshomaru name Rin?

No he didn't name her. Before Sesshomaru found Rin, she had a family, but they were killed by a band of thieves. When Sesshomaru found her, she was dead, but he brought her back to life :)

Is sesshomaru and rin in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel ds game?

yes sesshomaru and rin will be in the new moon cave

Does lord sesshomaru hurt rin?

Lord Sesshomaru never shows his feeling towards Rin, but he would never hurt Rin because he cares for her to much.