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We don't know yet because it hasn't come out yet!

(gothickittycat1 answer) I think its in episode 16. No its episode 13.

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I See London Episode 13, World Tour.

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Q: What episode does Gwen kiss duncan?
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Does duncan quit total drama world tour?

Yes because he didn't want to sing in every episode and in the first episode he quit not only for singing but Duncan was tired of listening to Courtney and Gwen fighting so he quit, and for all you double lyers out there he does come back in the episode i see London at the end he and Gwen kiss! then tyler pops is head in! i repeat he does come back!!

Does Max like Gwen from Total Drama Island?

Yes, Gwen does like Trent on Total Drama Island. On Total Drama Action and World Tour, Gwen doesn't like Trent anymore, but likes Duncan. Trent and Gwen break up in Total Drama Action and Duncan and Courtney break up also. Gwen and Duncan then become a couple.

How many times do Courtney and duncan kiss?

like, twice. once in episode 12 and in the last episode.

Does Duncan come back to TDWT?

Yes. It is shown that Gwen and Courtney "kidnap" him and reutrn him to the game in Episode 13.

Will Trent and Gwen get back together?

In my opinion, I think that they should and I've been hearing rumors that they might get back together. Because, TDWT producers have been said on their Twitters that they will let the couples together again, in some Aftermath, after Duncan, Courtney and Gwen get voted off, the kiss will be discovered an on a fury dash, Courtney will kiss Trent, and Duncan and Gwen will realize that they still loving Courtney and Trent, respectively, this discucion will be solved in 2 Aftermaths, then they will forgive the mistakes of the other and will kiss, Courtney and Duncan, and Gwen and Trent at the same time. I REPEAT, ITS ONLY A RUMOR, BUT IS HUGE, I hope it happen

Related questions

What episode on total drama world tour Gwen and Duncan fall in love?

Duncan and Gwen kiss in episode 13 or 14 as stated in Total Drama Wikia. Most possibly in episode 13 and maybe even a second time on a later episode.

Does duncan dump coutney in tdwt?

Y eshe does because he kissed Gwen. They are perfect for each other, not Duncan and Courtney, Duncan and Gwen. After Alejandro told Tyler to reveal the kiss. This led to Gwen being Amazon's target for elimination, as well as Duncan being CRRRRH's target. In the next episode, Courtney throws a bowl of spaghetti at Duncan, punches him in the eye, dumps and insults him, and kicks him in the groin.

On total drama the musical will Gwen and Duncan kiss?

Yep. In episode 13 and Tyler sees. Courtney ends up finding out in episode 14 or 15 and punches Tyler. Oww

Will Gwen and Duncan get together in TDA?

Kinda, he did seem to be flirting with her in episodes 2-4. But in episode 12, the anvil didn't fall when she said that they were just friends. Spoiler!!! A comment said that Trent and Gwen come back in episode 15, and hook up, but idk for sure if that is true or not, could be either way! DxG FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what Im talking about!!!!! Duncan and Gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to like Trent and Gwen, but when I figured out dirt was being mixed, Duncan and Gwen seemed to be getting... you know...

Does duncan quit total drama world tour?

Yes because he didn't want to sing in every episode and in the first episode he quit not only for singing but Duncan was tired of listening to Courtney and Gwen fighting so he quit, and for all you double lyers out there he does come back in the episode i see London at the end he and Gwen kiss! then tyler pops is head in! i repeat he does come back!!

Gwen really kiss duncan?

yes because she broke up with her boy friend yes they really do kiss

Does Max like Gwen from Total Drama Island?

Yes, Gwen does like Trent on Total Drama Island. On Total Drama Action and World Tour, Gwen doesn't like Trent anymore, but likes Duncan. Trent and Gwen break up in Total Drama Action and Duncan and Courtney break up also. Gwen and Duncan then become a couple.

When do Arthur and Gwen kiss?

Arthur and Gwen share their first kiss in Season 2, Episode 10 of the BBC television series "Merlin."

Will duncan and Gwen kiss in tdwt?

Yes, and probably twice, in a preview, and in a video on youtube.

Will Gwen kiss Kevin?

NO!! and they never will! Gwen will all ways stay with Ben. Watch episode 15. Ben is Gwen's cousin...

Total drama world tour does duncan go back out with Courtney?

IDK yet, but he does kiss Gwen in the confessional at the end of episode 13. Watch it now on YouTube on tdwtFULLEPISODES channel!

Do Gwen and duncan kiss?

Duncan loves Gwen and breaks up with Courtny but Gwen starts making love with Duncan and then Trent finds out and then gets together with Courtny!