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Yes. It is shown that Gwen and Courtney "kidnap" him and reutrn him to the game in Episode 13.

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Q: Does Duncan come back to TDWT?
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Which episode does duncan come back in?

He comes back episode 13, watch it now on YouTube on tdwtFULLEPISODES channel.

In Total Drama Action do Courtney and Duncan get back together?

In total drama action they have an on and off relationship but for the most part it appears that Courtney just uses Duncan, and based off that I hope they don't ever full get back together

Will Trent and Gwen get back together?

In my opinion, I think that they should and I've been hearing rumors that they might get back together. Because, TDWT producers have been said on their Twitters that they will let the couples together again, in some Aftermath, after Duncan, Courtney and Gwen get voted off, the kiss will be discovered an on a fury dash, Courtney will kiss Trent, and Duncan and Gwen will realize that they still loving Courtney and Trent, respectively, this discucion will be solved in 2 Aftermaths, then they will forgive the mistakes of the other and will kiss, Courtney and Duncan, and Gwen and Trent at the same time. I REPEAT, ITS ONLY A RUMOR, BUT IS HUGE, I hope it happen

Does duncan quit total drama world tour?

Yes because he didn't want to sing in every episode and in the first episode he quit not only for singing but Duncan was tired of listening to Courtney and Gwen fighting so he quit, and for all you double lyers out there he does come back in the episode i see London at the end he and Gwen kiss! then tyler pops is head in! i repeat he does come back!!

Does Max like Gwen from Total Drama Island?

Yes, Gwen does like Trent on Total Drama Island. On Total Drama Action and World Tour, Gwen doesn't like Trent anymore, but likes Duncan. Trent and Gwen break up in Total Drama Action and Duncan and Courtney break up also. Gwen and Duncan then become a couple.

Related questions

Is tdwt Duncan in love with tdwt Gwen?

yes he is but he is dating courtney

Who comes back in tdwt?

Duncan does after Gwen and Courtney found him in a band in London. Blaineley also returns because she accidentally stole Beth's win to return/debut into TDWT.

Does Heather like Duncan TDA?

No.she doesnt like duncan, but she likes alejandro in tdwt

Will duncan and Gwen kiss in tdwt?

Yes, and probably twice, in a preview, and in a video on youtube.

Will Duncan and Courtney ever make up after TDWT?

they should if i know Courtney an duncan they will. in tdr they will realize they made a terrible mistake breaking up

Do Gwen and Trent get back together?

in tdwt? well maybe, Trent and Gwen are friends SPOILER ALERT: ever since duncan and Gwen's kiss things have been rocky between them

The winner in total drama action?

Duncan, that same guy who returned to TDWT and quit the season after refusing to sing.

Do duncan and countney break up in tdwt?

Unfortunately, Yes They Break Up in A aftermath episode, and Duncan starts dating Gwendolyn, or GwenIt is rumored that Courtney starts dating Trent, but has not been confirmed

Does Gwen and duncan kiss?

In the new season tdwt they kiss. well its just a sneak peek

Will duncan and Courtney be back together in total drama reloaded?

In The Very Last Episode, Really!. Courtney kisses Duncan and then says, "You're still not my type." and Duncan says, "You make me sick.". But either way, the two continue to make out. Also in Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island, Courtney abandons Duncan when she gets the million-dollar case. And later as Duncan is scaring away a moose, Courtney cheers him on, but he says, "I'm coming for you next, sweetheart.". So basically, not really.

Who is the best total drama island character?

Owen Because In TDWT Episode 19 Niagra Brawls Blaineley Said Owen Is The Biggest Star On The Show But Gave Up His Million But The 2nd Most Best Is Duncan Because He Broke Up With Courtney And That Was The Biggest Relationship Over On TDWT Why Directors Why!?

Does duncan dump coutney in tdwt?

Y eshe does because he kissed Gwen. They are perfect for each other, not Duncan and Courtney, Duncan and Gwen. After Alejandro told Tyler to reveal the kiss. This led to Gwen being Amazon's target for elimination, as well as Duncan being CRRRRH's target. In the next episode, Courtney throws a bowl of spaghetti at Duncan, punches him in the eye, dumps and insults him, and kicks him in the groin.