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It sounds like food being cooked on the grill, crickets chirping at night, the campfire crackling, ice cream trucks, the screen door opening and closing, kids laughing and playing outside, crashing waves, and seagulls!

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14y ago

You will know when it is winter when you can go out side and frezze and it is white all around you it looks like a sheet has covered the earth

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12y ago

like snow blowing off your face

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It's hot and warm

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Q: What does winter sound like?
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When was The Sound of Winter created?

The Sound of Winter was created on 2011-07-22.

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Why do railway tracks sound louder in winter than in summer is it expansion or contraction?

Contraction is the reason that railway tracks sound louder in winter.

Does sound travel faster in air in the summer or in the winter?

Sound travels faster in warmer air because the speed of sound is directly proportional to the square root of the air temperature. In general, air is warmer in the summer than in the winter, which results in faster sound propagation during summer months.

What are sounds you hear in winter?

moaning sound XD

Why is winter the season most or best associated with As You Like It by Shakespeare?

Is it? "Under the Greenwood tree; who loves to lie with me", "It was a lover and his lass . . . in springtime, in springtime, the only pretty ring time", camping out in the forest, shepherds, love and marriage. It doesn't sound like winter to me.

Is April and winter a short vowel sound?

They both have short I vowel sounds.

When was How Like a Winter created?

How Like a Winter was created in 1995.

Does Vanessa Hudgens like winter?

Actually winter is her favorite season so yes she does like winter.

What song did building 429 play at winter jam?

Listen to the sound.

When was Grace like Winter created?

Grace like Winter was created in 1998.

Does sound travel faster in a like in summer or winter?

Sound typically travels faster in warmer temperatures, such as in summer. This is because the speed of sound increases with higher temperatures due to the increased molecular motion and collisions within the medium through which sound is traveling.