by practicing and watching her movies and prosecing your voice to sound like her
all you have to do is get some big glasses and a dress and something to put on for bobs and last but not least some heels
Madea from Tyler Perry Movies.... Tyler Perry plays a crazy old woman named Madea
it is on (ella, from madea goes to jail, singing cook & clean)
Madea uses the term "bourgeois" to describe people who only care about social climbing. She uses this term to refer to people who have forgotten their roots to be successful socially.
Madea's Big Happy Family Madea Goes To Jail Madea's Family Reunion
it is short for 'my dear' or 'mother dear' yes i belive that madea is real My Granmother has always been called madea & when I was 13 yrs old I was told by my mom that it meant mother dear. It is respect for your elders & madea is usually the rock of the family & you can go to her for anything & she will never judge or turn you away. She solved most issues in our family & kept us loving one another no matter what. And my madea has NEVER hit me. Tyler Perry is a comedian & all madea's are not like that.
Tyler perry
Madea family reunion
Tyler Perry
madea's hous is an atlanta,ga
He actually is Madea.
Madea is played by Tyler Perry himself.
Ryan Gentle
Madea's Class Reunion was created in 2003.
You can find information on Madea on an encyclopedia website such as Wikipedia. Information on Madea can also be found on Tyler Perry's official website.
To speak like Madea, you can use a Southern accent, be direct and assertive in your communication, and sprinkle in humorous remarks and witty comebacks. Don't be afraid to exaggerate or embellish stories for comedic effect. Practice listening to Madea's dialogue in movies and shows to pick up on her speech patterns and mannerisms.