Your basement, lots of water, a light, and other people around! :)
nothing they have yoke sack that give them what they need to survive like fat
This is from the song "Let It Go" by Patrick Donovan and E-Hos.
Aretha hasn't recorded I Will Survive.
Zula II Survive was created in 2004.
a moss cannot only have sun but it needs lots offood and water in order to survive!
Go home, get dry and have a nice cup of tea.
No. A supercell is a type of thunderstorm. Most thunderstorms are not supercells.
you have a pathological fear of thunderstorms
To format a thunderstorm you need both lightening and rain.
I think you need to word your question better...?
plasma (the 4th state of matter )
i need 200 robux
Because we need it to survive
No. Rain outside of thunderstorms is quite common.
it need oxygento survive
no they do not need sunlight to survive
They basically do what humans do to survive. Like humans need to eat to survive and we also need to sleep to survive.