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nothing they have yoke sack that give them what they need to survive like fat

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Q: What do fry eat?
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Same reason American's fry potatoes. To eat and enjoy.

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You can stir fry it. I boiled some and eat it.

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They are called Fry until they are large enough to eat regular goldfish food. Usually after a few months from hatching

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90% No, They stays at the bottom and will only eat things that is below their mouth, so only foods that sink. In some cases like guppy fry get stuck in gravel, the corys might eat them as the fry is below their mouth.

Can you put your goldfish back in after fry have hatched?

no she will eat them

When french eat snails do they boil them or fry the?

boil them

Why do fish eat their fry?

sometimes their just hungry