Mayorri Millier is Ray Ray's girlfriend if you do not know who Ray Ray is he's a singer from a popular boy band named mindless behavior
He is inlove with Mayorri Millier.
Yes, her name is Mayorri Millier
Mary J. Millier has written: 'The search for biological information'
Nozendaya coleman does not date ray ray from mindless behaviour.zendaya is currently single.there have been rumors that she was dating jacob latimore, but she is not.:)
Un millier de
m i l l e r
Un millier neuf cent et soixante-dix neuf.
Un millier neuf cent et quatre-vingt deux.
In French, you say "1647" as "mille six cent quarante-sept."
Ray ray loves Mayorri , Thay been together for ever, she'd do his hair , kiss him every day they'd do it in the bed all the time , thats his girl. Shes in 5th grade , goes to jordan , in San Antonio,TX. ITS THE TRUTH!
they sell to the millier <><><> In times past, people would raise corn for their own use. When the miller ground the corn, he would keep a portion (the miller's toll) as his payment. The miller might use a small amount for himself, but sold most of it to people that did not grow corn. (My grandad was a miller)
Chief JusticeSalmon P Chase............1864 - 1873Associate JusticesJohn Catron..................1837 - 1865Samuel Nelson..............1845 - 1872Robert Cooper Grier.......1846 - 1870Nathan Clifford..............1858 - 1881Noah Haynes Swayne.....1862 - 1881Samuel F. Millier.............1862 - 1890David Davis...................1862 - 1877Stephen Johnson Field....1863 - 1897