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District 1 pruduces luxury items/jewlery for the Capitol

District 2 is the masonry district

District 3 creates technology used by the Capitol

District 4 is the fishing district

District 5 creates power/electricity for Panem

District 6 is Transportation, producing vehicles for Panem

District 7 is the Lumber district which produces paper

District 8 is Textiles which produces clothing and fabrics

District 9 is Grain, producing the grain rations for all of Panem

District 10 is livestock, raising cattleto provide meat for Panem

District 11 is Agriculture, growing food for Panem

District 12 is Mining, collecting coal for Panem

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In descending order, 1-13:Luxury

Masonry (and the majority of peacekeepers)



Power - e.g. electrical, wind








Nuclear Explosives and Weaponry

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Q: What did each district in The Hunger Games produce?
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How would you sumerize the Hunger Games?

There are twelve districts. Katniss Everdeen belongs to District twelve. Every year there is The Hunger Games. One boy and one girl from each district compete until the finish. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark get picked from the reaping. They fall in love and win The HUnger Games.

What does the coal symbolize in The Hunger Games?

Each District has a specialty. District 12's specialty is coal mining.

How many people go into The Hunger Games?

24 tributes. 2 from each district. 1 boy and 1 girl.

What is the name of the annual event where tributes in each district are chosen to play in the Hunger Games?

the reaping

What is special about each District's bread in the Hunger Games?

They're made to resemble the districts' main product

What is the Tributes industry for the capitol in the hunger Games?

It is what the capital has that district do for its small economy. The industry for the Capital differs from each district. One, district 1, mines coal, while 11 does agriculture, and of course 12 mines coal.

What is a plot chart for the Hunger Games?

well. the plot is a boy and girl from each district has to fight in the 75th annual hunger games to the death. The capitol set up theres games to let all the distrcits know that the capital is boss. In the country of panem in the war, district 13 got destroyed. The begining in the hunger games is the cornicopia bloodbath.

How often did the games occur in Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games were repeated every year. But every 25 years, there was an event called The Quarter Quell in which 2 of the past victors from every district were chosen to "relive" the games, regardless of condition or age

Who participates in The Hunger Games?

Two tributes (one male, one female) are drawn from each district, 12 districts total.

What is the reaping system in The Hunger Games?

The reaping system is, once you are twelve, every year, you get your name entered once. And for the grains and oil, you get your name entered a couple times. Then, they draw from hundreds of names to pick 2 for the Games.

What did each district in the first hunger games book produce?

District 1 Luxury goodsDistrict 2 MasonryDistrict 3 TechnologyDistrict 4 FishingDistrict 5 Power (Solar, Electric and Nuclear)District 6 Transportation (High Speed Trains)District 7 LumberDistrict 8 TextilesDistrict 9 GrainDistrict 10 LivestockDistrict 11 OrchardsDistrict 12 Mining

Where do the tributes fight in The Hunger Games?

first i think u mean where do all the hunger games tributes live? and they first live on a train for each district and then when the actual hunger games start they live in a forest. ---- Sara