Each District has a specialty. District 12's specialty is coal mining.
It is about as 'hot as a coal stove' in Katnisses mind.
Green salad? It symbolizes that even in the Hunger Games, you can still really, really want salad. I guess, but nothing about "Green Salad" is mentioned in any three novels.
Since District 12 has huge coal mines, most of the work is mining
When you put enough pressure on coal it turns to purls!
The Food games The death games the fighting games Or the appetite games
Rebellion from the capitol
a mocking jay, it's on her pin!
it is known for coal mining
Katniss's Best Friend, he was also in love with her.
Coal mining
A coal miners work clothes
Coal mining.
Uh, what it symbolizes? Hm, the close to what I think of is ... it's the ceremony to announce the tributes (one female and one male) for the hunger games
It is about as 'hot as a coal stove' in Katnisses mind.
He worked in the coal mine.
In the Hunger Games, the silver parachutes are gifts to the tributes from their sponsors. They can contain life saving materials.
In the Hunger Games (the games not the book) parachutes symbolize gifts. If you were a tribute in the Games and were sent a parachute, you would get a gift. In the books however, the parachutes could symbolize many things. But at the end of the series, it would be safe to say that whenever Katniss thinks of the silver parachutes, she will think of her sister Prim (Read book 3 and you will see why).