There are twelve districts. Katniss Everdeen belongs to District twelve. Every year there is The Hunger Games. One boy and one girl from each district compete until the finish. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark get picked from the reaping. They fall in love and win The Hunger Games.
A company didn't invent the Hunger Games. It was written by an author named Suzanne Collins. If you mean what company published the Hunger Games then that would be Scholastic.
Prim would have had to be in the HUnger Games.
The Food games The death games the fighting games Or the appetite games
Because if the capitol wasn't in power over everyone, People would be free, and they wouldn't have to go through the hunger games and the Reaping.
In the Hunger Games, the Capitol issued the Treaty of Treason, which states that as a reminder of the rebellion, each of twelve districts would send one boy and one girl to compete in the Hunger Games and fight to the death in an arena on television.
I am guessing that The Hunger Games stands for surviving your hunger? That would be my best guess
Search 'The Hunger Games Book'
The Hunger Games
A bodyguard.
That would be Cato.
i would if it was a real thing
Katniss. If she wins the hunger games, She can win anything
That is a matter of opinion. Most fans of The Hunger Games series would say that the books are awesome. However, The Hunger Games themselves are not awesome in most's opinion. They are very cruel, as they are run by the Capitol.
Willow Shields has been cast to play Primrose Everdeen in the Hunger Games film.
Most fans would say that The Hunger Games movie was good. However, it is a matter of opinion. Everyone is different.
of course its an amazing book!!