none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!! none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe and Nick like blue just like me and Kevin likes
converse nike n shoes from urban outfitter :)
yes..well Joe Jonas plays Joe Lucas in the Jonas Brothers' new show on Disney Channel, JONAS.
Joe Jonas is alergic to shrimp.
Joe Jonas has 1 child
joe Jonas wears boxers and one of them are pink
no he dosent at least i think.
probably not. but he does wear tighty whities
why would you even want to see Joe Jonas in his underwear!!
Joe Jonas fave colour is blue
no he wears tighty wighty LOL i don't know what kind of underwear he wears
green is joe's favorite colour and dark blue is nick's favorite colour
its white
blue is joe's favorite color.
Joe's favorite color is blue
Nick:Royal Blue Joe: Purple/ Electric Indigo Kevin:Forest Green