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usually there was live music eg. piano scores put over the top or played when people came to watch it. Sometimes they had the scene clip then written dialogue came after... but that was mostly when it was in black and white and the dialogue had to be pretty basic because you wouldn't want the audience to sit there for time on end reading the entire script. That is mostly why most films were short but there are also other reasons as to why... I dont know if that helps or anything :D

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Talkies. The first was with Al Jolson, "THE JAZZ SINGER" (1927).

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they were called "Talkies"

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the prince of lambs

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Q: What are films without sound called?
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What do you called early movies that were made without sound?

silent films.

What are talkis?

Talkies is what the people of the early 1930s called the sound films, as opposed to silent films."Talkies" is a now-obsolete term for moving pictures that have a sound track. Originally, moving pictures (movies) were silent. When sound was added, they were called "talkies." Since sound is now an essentially universal characteristic of motion pictures, there is no longer a need to distinguish films with sound from other films, so the word has fallen out of use.

Is there a different name for films with songs i.e. Films like Enchanted or Anastasia?

no, almost all films have songs. However, films such as "the sound of music" or "Annie" that contain moments where the cast break into song can be considered "musicals" but there is no set difference (in name) between a film with music and a film without.

What are some recent films that feature acapella?

Acappella is Italian for "in the manner of the church" and is music that is without accompanying instrumental sound for a group or solo act. Used in quite a few films and plays alike, a few such films are Pitch Perfect and Perfect Harmony.

Where can you watch films on the internet without downloading?

full length movies would be called as or

What has the author James Ross Cameron written?

James Ross Cameron has written: 'Servicing sound equipment' -- subject(s): Equipment and supplies, Silent films, Sound, Radio, Electricity, Television 'Sound motion pictures' -- subject(s): Sound, Silent films, Equipment and supplies 'Motion picture projection and sound pictures' -- subject(s): Sound, Equipment and supplies, Motion pictures, Sound motion pictures, Motion picture projection, Silent films 'Servicing motion picture sound equipment' -- subject(s): Silent films

Where to download free films with no registarion?

for example you can do it on It is the Czech website, but there are films in original sound, too ;)

How many Hitchcock films have sound?

Either 46 or 47 films - one 10-minute short film was lost. Blackmail (1929) had two versions, one with sound and one silent. There were also 2 French propaganda films for World War 2 released with sound.

What are films of upcoming movies called?

They are short films known as trailers.

How is the role of music in today's films different from the use of music in silent films?

In silent films, there was no sound, so the cinema had a piano or organ player playing live in the cinema.

How do you play sound without a sound card?

You cannot play any sound without a sound card.

What is a foley in music films?

Sound effects Like two coconut halves together to make horse trotting sound.