Star Wars IV: A New Hope (the movie) came out in 1977 before any books were written. The movies came first.
William Eggleston is best known for color photography and bringing credibility to the art form. His were the first to be displayed in art galleries and his work opened the door for artists who came after him.
At first it was thought that he had black hair, but when a coloured picture came out, it showed that Nagato had red hair. :)
From a site called Cool Movie Trivia: Without a doubt, most movie buffs will know that the first 'talkie' was Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer. However, the first color movie is a little more obscure. The most well-known movies to use color were The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind, both from 1939. However, pre-dating those classics by more than 20 years was a 1918 silent film called Cupid Angling. This is the accepted 'first' color feature-length film, and is also the oldest listed on IMDB as color. IMDB also has heaps of color shorts which predate even this, the earliest listed is from 1902. The actual first filming process was called Kinemacolor, and was invented in 1908 by a Brit named Charles Urban. The more well-known Technicolor corporation was founded in 1918. Prior to 1908, the 'color' movies produced were with hand-tinted frames painted by color artists. [End of quote] In The Wizard of Oz, the dramatic transition from black and white to color when Dorothy lands in Oz was the thrilling moment when Technicolor was introduced to theatrical audiences. In 1895, Thomas Edison hand-painted Anabelle's Dance, a Kinetoscope motion picture. Best 10 Colour movies ever:
Writing came first long before photography.
The compass, cartography, photography then the internet in that order.
Star Wars IV: A New Hope (the movie) came out in 1977 before any books were written. The movies came first.
atrolabe came first, the astrolabe was invented before the sextant, and the sextant was the model that made the compass
Horror movies first came out around 1915. Yeah, about a century ago. The first horror movies were Golem (1915), The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari (1919), and a movie by the name more heard of is Nosferatu (1922).
William Eggleston is best known for color photography and bringing credibility to the art form. His were the first to be displayed in art galleries and his work opened the door for artists who came after him.
The color would be white
The below answer is NOT correct. Color in movies weren't invented till 1930AnswerCupid Angling, a 1918 silent film, is considered to be the world's first full length color movie,As early as 1902, short films were made and the frames hand tinted to create color.From IMDB:The first color movies were shown in 1908, and Hollywood made its first color feature in 1922 (The Toll of the Sea).
Movies, because the television made it possible to see programs such as the news at home instead of going out.
The meaning of the word "gold" referring to the metal came first, with its origins dating back to ancient times. The use of "gold" to describe the color derived from the metal's distinct hue.
Movies with sound