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Walrus would win due to it weight

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Q: Walrus vs a dolphin in a fight?
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Who would win in a fight a polar bear or walrus?

A polar bear is able to win in a fight against a small walrus, but usually loses to a bigger walrus such as a mother.

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Walrus vs polar bear?

The tusks of the walrus could kill the bear, but if the polar bear can get past the tusks it could kill the walrus.

How many feet does a walrus have?

O.o it has 2 flippers not feet and then it has a tail like a dolphin has

What mammal swims?

dolphin's, whales, etc. manaties, seals and walrus are also marine mammals.

What do walrus their tusks for?

They have tusks for protection against polar bear attacks and fighting with other walruses.

Killer Whale vs Polar Bear who would win?

A killer whale, easily. They are three times the size of a Walrus and a Walrus has no teeth.

How do dolphin stay safe?

They fight there predeter

A large northern sea mammal?

Blue Whale ; Largest in the world. (biggest animal in history) Killer Whales ; They live in the dolphin family, but are quite big! Great White Shake ; They are scary and also big!

In a fight who would win a walrus or 6 pumas?

In a fight, 6 pumas would likely overwhelm and defeat a walrus due to their speed, agility, and hunting skills. Walruses are adapted for aquatic environments and lack the agility and predatory instincts of pumas.

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