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epsiode 129 - 133

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Q: On what episodes does the Pein vs Jiraiya fight start and end?
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What episode of Naruto does jiraiya first fight pain?

Jiraiya fights Pain/Pein from episodes 126-133 BUT IF YOU WANT JUST THE FIGHT WITHOUT THE INTRO WATCH EPISODES (watch 129 if u want to watch konan fight too) 130-133

Does Toad Sage die in Naruto or Shippuden?

Jiraiya dies from his old student Pein in Shippuden, shortly after sending a message to Konoha resulting in the defeat of Pein by Jiraiya's other student, Naruto.

Why does Pain kill Jiraiya?

He used this special techinque i think from jiraiya or somebody else , and killed him. But he felt sorry since Naruto later on mention that jiraiya cared for him long time ago since he was his pupil and he wrote a book about pain. Pain realizes that and used a very rare special technique to bring injured people back to normal (heal people that is injured) but not those who are dead. Pain is more like NAruto. the girl is like sakura and the other boy is like sasuke, well sort of... ..............what other boy and by the girl do not you mean konan?? but which boy is it zetsu or .,.......who???

Who kills jiraiya?

pein kills him by destroying all da leaf village (icluding naruto dat basterd) all of em die n all init bt he restores all the leaf village bk 2 lyf (includin naruto dt sfe bastered) bt 4 sum nxt reson he cnt restore jiraiya bk 2 lyf (yess i mean arghhh lol :p)

Who was tsunade in love with?

No, no, no!!! He is like a grandson to her........and besides, who ever thinks that Jiraiya and Tsunade are gonna be together.....he's wrong........Because Jiraiya dies fighting Pein, even if they like eachother, they can't be least in Manga......but I hope that they'll end up together in episodes........

Related questions

What episode of Naruto does jiraiya first fight pain?

Jiraiya fights Pain/Pein from episodes 126-133 BUT IF YOU WANT JUST THE FIGHT WITHOUT THE INTRO WATCH EPISODES (watch 129 if u want to watch konan fight too) 130-133

When do pein and jiraiya fight?

when all the akasuki were dead

Why does jiraya die?

Jiraiya was killed in a fight against Pein the Akatsuki's leader. He died because he lost while trying to stop Pein.

Is Pein stronger than Jaraiya?

well Pein is stronger than Jiraiya. Only because he took the reningan from his friend and then did somthing to kill 6 more people and then used them to fight Jiraiya. If they fought normally without the 6 people jiraiya would of won

Is jiraiya still alive?

No, Jiraiya was killed by the Akatski. Specificaly Pein.

How does Jiraiya die in Naruto?

pein kills him

Will Naruto get revenge for jiraiya?

Maybe cause jiraiya did die against pein so even if pein is akatsuki leader naruto oughta' find a way

What episode does naruto fight pein in?

Naruto hasn't faught Pein in the Episodes yet. In the manga, it starts at Chapter 419.

Does Toad Sage die in Naruto or Shippuden?

Jiraiya dies from his old student Pein in Shippuden, shortly after sending a message to Konoha resulting in the defeat of Pein by Jiraiya's other student, Naruto.

Will Naruto kill pein?

pein sacrified himself to bring back the people he killed back to life except jiraiya

Will Neji fight pein?

No Neji does not fight pein.

In what episode or chapter does Naruto kill pein?

pein sacrifieced himself to bring back the people he killed back to life except jiraiya