it is twilight
The first Twilight movie was released in theaters on November 22, 2008.
Twilight is a movie becasue it helps readers understand and picture what they have read in the book.
Twilight (2008)The version available on DVD is appoximately 117 minutes long.
The twilight movie uses most diolouge from the book and is basicly the same except for some small differences.
google images
As long as it still is called twilight and the author is Stephanie Meyers then yes, it is the same. The cover with the hands and the apples is the original cover and the one with the people is from the movie. That will be the only difference. And it might have a few pictures inside from the movie too but the story is no different.
why don't you look in pictures and in the movie, you will be able to see from there!!
There are no pictures
It symbolise in the movie when Bella dropped her apple on the ground and Edward catches it.
The best place would either be photobucket or the movie site
The Twilight movie is not real
twilight is a romantic movie.
Was that question ''Why doesn't the Twilight Saga have pictures?''If so then the answer to that is that the Twilight Saga is a Young Adults novel, made for teenagers. Teenagers don't want pretty pictures on every page, spoiling the book.
Twilight - Cover Drive song - was created in 2011.
The Twilight movie is based on the novel, "Twilight" writeen by Stephenie Meyer
Yes the movie was called Twilight.