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The first Twilight movie was released in theaters on November 22, 2008.

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Q: When was the movie twilight released in the cinemas?
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What time does twilight finish at the cinemas?

The first Twilight movie has already left cinemas and has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray.

When will the twilight movie be in the cinemas?

Twilight will be out in the cinemas on the 19th of December, in the UK. Its already out in America.

When will the movie twilight be out in the movie cinemas?

its out already

When will the twilight movie be released in Australia?

The Twilight movie will be released in Australia's cinemas on the 11/12/008 ~11th Of December 2008 Check on the link below for more Information (December on the list)

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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse movie will be released on June 30th, 2010.

When will the new twilight film be released in cinemas?

in June .

When does Twilight Eclipse release in UK cinemas?

it has already been released out in cinemas ..... 30th June !

When was twilight released in cinemas in the UK?

19th December 2008

When does the fourth twilight move release?

The fourth twilight movie is Breaking Dawn and releases in two parts. Part 1 is released in cinemas on the 18th of November 2011 and Part 2 is released on the 16th of November 2012.

Twilight movie in the UK?

Twlight comes out in the cinemas in the UK on the 19th of December.

Will twilight be showing in UK cinema's?

Yes, the movie will be out in cinemas on the 12th of December 2008.

When is twilight the movie based on the book by Stephenie Meyer in cinemas in England?

it was out last year..