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I think from all the research i had done on the internet, the book is better. The book itself, made $400 billion dollars. And the movie made $37 million dollars. Personally, I like the book better(:

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

As it almost always happens, the book is much better than the movie. I for one used to love the books immensely, but detested the movies to my very core.

Books have many more details and a lot more character insight, which are cut in the movies (otherwise they'd last too long). But it's not just that the books are better, the movies are just that awful: the main actors' inability to render the character's emotions, and some terrible choices director-wise on how to render the characters themselves.. Well, let's just say they absolutely ridiculised the whole story.

So all in all: I'd absolutely go for the book.

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Q: Is the movie twilight or the book twilight better?
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OMG the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The movies... okay. READ THE BOOK BEFORE YOU SEE THE MOVIE!!! trust me on that!!! The book, its so much more detailed and its the cutest book in the whole entire world The book is sooo much more detailed and a bit better, but the movie makes it come to life. :-)

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