right well i actually wasn't suppost to saying anything and wasnt going to but i did date nick before he became famous and all and yeah , he is a good kisser .
Taylor lautner
No, Taylor Lautner does not speak Dutch.
good, i guess. wierd question.
no taylor lautner is a free man
Yes Taylor Lautner is very attractive
oh yeah! they kissed, Taylor also said Selena is a good kisser. ;)
Taylor Launter
yes Taylor Lautner is good.
go kiss some random hobo and then seek his opinion. i would highly recommend Taylor lautner or Robert Patterson
Taylor Lautner is good at acting and being hot.
No one really knows unless you're Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift.......
Taylor Daniel Lautner Taylor Daniel Lautner
Taylor Daniel Lautner is Taylor Lautner's full birth name; his real name is Taylor Lautner.
No Taylor Lautner is not gay