Examples of common abstract nouns:abilityboredomcharitydangeregofeargratitudehourintelligencejusticeknowledgelibertymoodneedopinionproblemquestionreasonseasontreasonurgevirtueworkyesterdayzeal
The noun loyalty is a common, abstract noun.
im afraid not
Some common, abstract nouns (synonyms) for the common, concrete noun 'mother' are:ancestorcaregivercreatorforebearernurturerpredecessor
Some common, abstract nouns (synonyms) for the common, concrete noun 'mother' are:ancestorcaregivercreatorforebearernurturerpredecessor
Abstract noun.
The noun 'grammar' is a common, uncountable, abstract noun. The noun 'grammar' is functioning as the direct object of the verb 'teaches'.
The noun 'Precious' (capital P) is the name of a person, a proper noun, a concrete noun.The word 'precious' (lower case p) is an adjective, a word to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective precious is preciousness, a common noun.
The abstract noun form of the noun hero is heroism (also a common noun).
Patriotism is the abstract noun form.