Abstract Art
modern art, Impressionism, Abstract, cubism, surrealism, etc
Abstract art has been painted (or drawn or done in graphic techniques) by thousands of artists in the 20th century and still today. Jackson Pollock has painted really good ones. Abstract art is also painted by Pablo Picasso. It IS done today by people all over the world.----------------------------------Pablo Picasso was not an abstract artist, he was a cubist. Cubism represents "abstracted" objects from reality and abstract art does not depict any ties to worldly objects, figures or scenes. Kandinsky, Malevich and Mondrian created the first purely abstract works in the early 20th century.
In order to create its intended effect, abstract paintings Forms, Colors, Textures, and Gesture Marks rather than an accurate portrayal of a visual reality. It was absolutely radical when it was created at the turn of the 20th century.
The opposite of realism is falseness, fantasy, or fakery. As it pertains to art, the opposite of realism is nonrepresentational art or abstract art.
The term "abstract art" covers a wide variety of art. The general sense of the term is that it is the opposite of the concrete, or "realism". It is "not realistic" Answer 2: It does not have an identifiable subject.
Semi-abstract pertains to a type of art where the subject stays recognizable even though the forms are derived from abstract art. Abstract shapes including cubes are used in the paintings or sculptures but you can tell what the subject is.
Abstract means just the opposite of depicting anything - an abstract painting has no subject outside itself.
Abstract art is a kind of visual art.
When it's abstract art.
He Did Abstract Art:)!
"Abstract Art" by Anna Moszynska (ISBN-13: 978-0500202371) comes highly recomended for teaching the apreciation of abstract art. "Abstract Expressionism" by Barbara Hess (ISBN-13: 978-3836513852) Also has a good rating The are multiple books written about abstract arts. There is a book "Abstract Art(World of Art)" by Anna Moszynska that is a good source of information on abstract art.
The opposite abstract noun for turbulence would be "calmness" or "tranquility."
Abstract Art.
abstract art